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Uğur Ildız

Uğur Ildız

For Uğur, having guests over for dinner meant içli köfte, a friend visiting for an afternoon tea was mercimek köfte. Winter meant boza, summer was sour cherry compote. Bosphorus offered the most delicious fish, aunts in the east sent the spices, and olives came from the uncle living on the Mediterranean. A native of Istanbul, Ugur (a.k.a. Adam) shares his enthusiasm for this city with his guests. Despite receiving a B.A. in Business and working in the business world for many years, he found his passion to be for history, people, different cultures, and most of all for food, and decided to become a full time professional tour guide where he could utilize his interests and knowledge by sharing with others. He’s one of the few lucky in this world who makes a living by not working a single day. He has the incurable and contagious disease of always smiling, and enjoys spreading it to others.

Food tours given by Uğur Ildız

March 30, 2022

Cosmopolitan Kurtuluş: Istanbul’s Neighborhood of Taste

Istanbul |
By , and
Istanbul -- Quick bite: Far from the tourist trail, get a taste of one of the last bastions of classic Istanbul flavors, including bread fresh from the tandir oven, a mind-boggling assortment of meze, sizzling kebab, old school ice cream and much more. On this full-day food tour, we will dig deep into the culinary traditions of one of Istanbul’s most culturally diverse and food-centric neighborhoods. Read more
December 10, 2019

Get Your Fresh Fish in Beşiktaş

Istanbul |
Istanbul -- The Bosphorus Strait, which divides the city of Istanbul and separates the European and Asian continents, has long influenced the city’s cuisine. Although it’s no longer heaving with fish, we can still see some fresh catches on our Born on the Bosphorus walk, which begins in the market of Beşiktaş.
September 16, 2019

Relishing Pickles in Istanbul

Istanbul |
Istanbul -- Start with chunks of pickled vegetables and fruits, and then wash it all down with a swig of pickle juice on our Born on the Bosphorus walk in Istanbul, where we pay a visit to one of the city’s many shops that exclusively sells pickles.
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